Birth Work is Essential.
I believe that holding space for others to connect on an inward journey is sacred.

An Introduction
Perinatal Doula & Yoga
I’m a mama, a certified doula, and
registered yoga teacher.
A Calling
Soul Work
After working in early childhood education
supporting families and children for over 10 years,
I was called to birth work.
It started with helping family members navigate
the Medical Industrial Complex and transformed into
full-time soul work
that has reshaped the way I see the world.
As a DONA-trained birth doula,
I am a non-medical support person who assists you
continuously throughout your pregnancy journey.
I will get to know who you are & what you are looking for in
birth support.
Collaborative Care
Supporting You
I will find answers to your questions,
support your choices,
and will help you feel the strongest
so you can mentally prep for all outcomes.
I believe that being in a community is how we continue to
elevate and expand.
I have studied under Haize Hawke, Birth Bruja, and Spinning Babies.
Through mentorship programs that have expanded my consciousness.
I am all about
collaborative care.
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